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Customization and B2B ecommerce – what customers expect in 2019

customization And B2B Ecommerce – What Customers Expect In 2019
The figures* are compelling:
  • Two thirds of B2B buyers prefer to make their purchases using digital channels.
  • Over 70% expect personalized online experiences when they are looking to build long-term relationships with suppliers.
  • Almost three quarters say that their standards for a good purchasing experience are higher than ever before.
From product recommendations to proactive service, B2B buyers expect online engagement that is unique to them. They are looking for connected interactions based on their buying history.

Why B2B customization is key

Half of B2B buyers say they have moved from an existing supplier to a competitor because they provided a better experience. Three quarters say it’s easier than it has ever been to buy elsewhere. The B2B buying process is rarely simple, so the more you can do to recognize each buyer’s needs and accommodate them, the stronger your relationship will be. In contrast, if you fall behind, even your most loyal buyers could go elsewhere.

Learn from what you know

Even though integration of your major business systems with a Cloud-based platform like Cloudfy makes this easier than ever before, 37% of customers say they feel less connected to suppliers than they did two years ago. At the most basic level, you can use the information you already have about your buyers’ behavior to predict their needs and provide proactive service. This might be a tailored price reduction for a product they use frequently, recommendations for related products, or a timely reminder that their stock could be getting low. This will help to make your buyers feel that you know them and understand their needs.

Build relationships

Your buyers will be willing to share even more data with you for an improved purchasing experience. Understandably, however, they have concerns about how their data might be used. To build a strong relationship you will need to have robust privacy policies and show that you are committed to protecting their data. Your buyers need to be confident that you will use their information ethically and in their interests. You can earn you customers’ respect and trust when you are transparent about how their information is used and how it provides a better experience.

Customize your catalog

Product and price lists that are unique for each buyer, based on their known preferences, can make their buying journey so much easier. You can include secure access with login credentials, real-time information on prices, stock levels and deliveries and easy journeys straight to check-out where their details are already completed and their own terms and conditions apply. You can help increase client conversion when your customers feel confident that they’re making informed decisions.

Effortless customer service

While many buyers start their journey online, they might want to ask for advice or query product details with your sales or customer service teams. They have probably entered many of the details of their purchase already, and they won’t want to have to explain everything again. Making sure all the members of your team can see what your customer can see in real time means that they can give an immediate, helpful and relevant response. Then your buyer will probably be happy to return to their desktop or a mobile device to complete their transaction.


Smartphones and tablets are increasingly popular tools for B2B buyers. Whichever route your buyers use to access your product information, they should receive the same high standard of user experience and quality of data, tailored to their needs. Using a B2B ecommerce platform like Cloudfy will allow you to deliver this quality of experience anytime, anywhere. Request a free demonstration to find out how Cloudfy delivers customized B2B customer experiences.
*Salesforce Research ‘State of the connected customer’ 2018
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