Termly Integration with Cloudfy
If your checkout flow requires compliance and disclosure safeguards, Cloudfy can connect to your account with Termly and make use of their suite of easy-to-manage compliance solutions.
With the Termly extension, you can choose to embed common compliance documents and sign-off forms right from your Cloudfy checkout pages. Document and form options include terms and conditions notices, privacy policies, disclaimers, return policies, and more.
Integrating Termly with Cloudfy enhances legal compliance, builds customer trust, mitigates risks, and provides a streamlined user experience. By taking care of your legal obligations and demonstrating your commitment to data protection, you can focus on growing your ecommerce business with confidence.
Benefits of Termly Integration

Legal Compliance
Integrating Termly with Cloudfy ensures that your ecommerce website is compliant with relevant laws and regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA.

Seamless Policy Updates
This ensures that your ecommerce platform reflects the most recent legal requirements, protecting both your business and your customers.

Customer Trust and Transparency
Displaying clear and comprehensive legal policies on your Cloudfy website helps build trust with your customers.

Risk Mitigation
Termly provides you with legally sound policies, including data protection clauses, which can help protect your business from potential legal liabilities.

Streamlined User Experience
This integration ensures a cohesive user experience, as customers can view and accept your policies without leaving the Cloudfy platform.

Customization and Branding
Termly offers customization options, allowing you to tailor the appearance and content of your legal policies to match your brand's look and feel.
Get Termly deployed right now to your Cloudfy ecommerce store by contacting our ecommerce experts today.